White Elephant

Monday, July 24, 2006

Miami Vice Tea

a. Collin glass, filled with ice
b. 1/2 gin
c. 1/2 oz vodka
d. 1/2 oz peach schnapps
e. 1 oz Orange Juice
f. Fill with 7-up

The bachelor party plans are coming along quite well, I just found my card catalog of drinks which will offer inspiration for the shopping.

downloading comic books has been inspiring and with any luck I can turn the inspiration inward and produce something of intresic value.

Of course any value I generate from comic book can only pale in the inspiration of Steve and Michelle back in Chicago. May their Child come into the world healthy and share a life filled with happiness and blessings for the Probst family.

With Love,

Saturday, July 08, 2006


I'm awake a lot earlier then I should be -
This does not bode well for the home team.

Well as long as I'm up I might as well run into town for bunny supplies and blank DVD's to use with this borrowed DVD burner to make copies of Doctor Who. (I tried to defragment the hard drive and got a message saying it's too full to defrag)

Well that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.