White Elephant

Monday, September 24, 2007

How is it possible

Did I really fall so far off the face of the Earth?

When I logged on to see that my last post was over two months ago I was astounded!

I haven't been in school all summer - I think I posted somewhere that I was taking a course to become a licenced tour guide in Israel - it's almost like a masters program where as far as anyting relates to Israel I have to know everything from the dawn of civilization to present times. It's Archaeology, history, geology, geography, theology and some other stuff that I guess I haven't learned yet;)

So I spent my summer working for Archaeological Seminars at the dig for a day program in Bet Guvren national park. I could write a ton about working there but I think I'll hold that for later.

As the busy tourist season ended abruptly in the last week of August I spent time back at construction as well as doing odd bits of work here and there - from driving around friends - to moving someone across the country - to painting an apartment I've tred to make as much cash as possible so that once school really starts rolling in October I can cut down to two days a week and spend more time with Raphael and focusing on school.

Sarah is doing well she is spending the majority of her time with Raphael having some fantastic help from her mom wo came here with her dad for six monts in total (which is almost over!) She's also been finishing up her internship hours for Chinese medicine (only 20 left) then she can start to pick up private clients.

Raphael is amazing. He has suc a wonderful smile that it makes even te most sleep deprived person melt.

Well as I mention sleep depervation guess I should go in that direction myself.
Last couple of random thngs recently I've been reading biblcal atlases - of cource Harry Potter - and te Atlantic monthly in the bathroom. I've been lstening to little music but it includes the Hold steady's spernatural sunday, Revrend hortan heat, and a couple of mixes that include the paperboys. I also have put quite a few ours in transit into the gameboy advance I inherited when m friend Daniel left the country - mostly Yoshi's island (which includes "Mario Bros" and Castlevania.

Oh eah I also sould direct y'all here


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