White Elephant

Sunday, May 27, 2007

On time?

When the real (as oppossed to Braxton hicks) contractions started in the 35th week - we went to the hospital where Sarah was given 2 bags of saline through a drip, and told to stay off here feet for 2 weeks.

Now, weeks later we have araved on the due date.

On a tagential note taht will come back around...

We have friends over regularly for Friday night dinner, one of these friends - a journalist currently overseas is perpetualy late - so if dinner was slated for 7 - we'd invite her at 6:30.
Another couple was always early, so much so that if dinner wouldn't be ready til 7 - we'd invite them at 7:15.
With this artillerly like targeting, the five of us would all be ready to eat at just about the same time.

Because of this I started to become very aware of what time we show up at other peoples homes... I realised that we were consistantly between right on time to about three minutes late -

So if our child follows our lead - I expect that either today or tommorow will involve a trip to the hosptal. =)

In other news it is bittersweet to see ths picture of two children together but oceans away from me. May they have lifetimes of happiness and health ahead!


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