White Elephant

Monday, January 17, 2005

this is the end

So from tommorow I'll be changing my name to from Phillip Joseph lavine to Phillip Joseph Gordon-Lavine, yup that's 3 count 'em 3 first names. Almost enough to be Catholic no?
Why the change- let's see I've been married for almost 4 months now and my wife and we have been "discussing" our family name for two months now. When we got married I knew that she still hadn't decided what she was going to do with her name. Well six weeks later she tells me that she wants us both to change are names. I was pissed- I was stubborn. but by the end of it when I saw that niether of us wanted what the other wanted AND when I realised that I couldn't afford to buy her something nice AND when I thought about the fact that this could give me a little leverage in future negotiations AND I saw that I didn't have to really use the hy-fen-at-ed name on everything just because it was my full name.

I figured "What the Hell?"

Sunday, January 16, 2005


I wonder if putting my friends name in the title will make it come up when I Google for his blog (because for some reason I never seem to be able to remember the URL)

I've been reading Real-life comics all day at work b/c noone in the states seems to be calling to cancel thier phone service today. It's not even one of those days that I can't stand work just bored of my cubicle.

I'm reading a comic where people are playing Final Fantasy-I've been going through the archives and the've gone from 9-11. Me I just sit on the shitter playing ffII on the gameboy. Now's there's some info I really needed to post for the world to read.

So If this was to be a place where i practiced writing I would be...
off somewhere doing something else because practice doesn't really fit into my head space:) just don't tell me wife- though I think she's figured it out.

Shitty spell check doesn't learn for good just for the day- I wonder if that's just because I'm on a terminal...
Tech help could answer that but i don't have the cash for the snicker bribe they require for anything.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Day 2

So I just spent my break playing "tag" with Eli. Basically it was a hit-block game first one handed because we were both smoking-stomach 3 times, then switch attacker. Then we did shoulders- then both of us attacking. I am S L O W. But the circular movements work well and I have a good reach. I broke a sweat during the 10 minutes we did this. It was a not day for this I had already walked a lot earlier in the day and that lead to me having a whole lot more physical day then I've had for most of the winter.

I realize that evtually I'll tell my friends where this blog is-I did use my real name and my old pjbendavid in the name so I hope that one day if someone is looking for me in google tjhey find me here.

But for now- anonymity aside I have a place where I can write without people knowing what I say- I guess I could do the same thing in Word but seeing as I don't...
It's an interesting way to organize my thoughts it's like justified talking to my self and I'm just blathering on for no particular reason.
I just told someone here at work that "threats of violence are not conducive to happy work place" she replied "neither is Alan's sense of humour" being polite I didn't say anything- but shrugged my shoulders in agreement.

I want to find that fellow in the shuk and ask if I can run his store for him in the morning selling drinks for his profit-and food for mine. I haven't mentioned it to Sarah yet and everytime I try to focus on it I get distracted- I think I'm afraid. The best that I seem to do is think of myself alternately as student/teacher father/son optimist/ pessimist and in order to get this to work I have to actually speak out Loud because in my head it all just rolls around too much.

heh-heh the spell check does not have either "BLOG" or "Google" in it's dictionary... heh-heh-heh

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Allrighty then. So now I have a chance to spurt out whatever random nonsense comes to mind and put it out for the world to read. Well this should make the hours of call center boredom go a little quicker. I just tried out the spell check-it's seems a little slow-but so does everything on this server. "I'll tap my one mountain and use a lightning bolt."

So let's try a photo shall we?
oh well I guess I'll try this one at home- "No downloading on the server"
oh wait maybe this will work....
BAH- I'm not savy enough to get it working on my first or second try...
Nor my third.

so I'm going to publish this and see if I can edit it.
peace, love and other hippy propaganda