I wonder if this blog software would have said anything if I had indeed sworn in the title...
Over two months since I've posted here - so I guess that means that:
A: the computer wasn't working
B: My boring fucking job has kept me too bus
C: I've been having too much fun doing other stuff to stop and write
D: I'm totall obcessed with some video game
E: The bachleor part rocked so hard that I just now have regained sobriety
Well let me sa that the new ergonomic keeboard that Sarh bought seems to really not like the wa my hands sit because it usually dosn't let me tpe the letter "Y".
She spent three weeks in Minniapolis - and I had my friend Davey staying with me during much of that time. I miss the part of my life where I would regularly sleep on other people's couches...
anyway - I'm back to working 3-11, or at least I will be once my little third world country is not the only one off daylight savings time, for now it's 2-10.
I had to fire somebody a couple of weeks ago - that really sucked, I mea he really should not have been hired to work in a call center to begn with, and I tried to get him to understand what was required of him for a couple of months... the worst part is - I can't really tink of a work environment that would be suitable for him - he means well - he just never quite got all the rules for social conduct in order. I dunno... I just had to let 'em go...
In other newsthe first rain fell esterday - it was the kind my dad always warned me about - "just enough to bring all the oil to the surface, and not enough to wash it away"
For those of you who still have our Dads - talk to them, even if the just sa the same things the always have - you'll miss it when they're gone...
Well damned if I ain't just a bit meloncholy, it wasn't what I intended when I sat down to write - though I guess that's likel to happen when one sits down to write not knowing what'll come out.
I like random punctuation -
I also like drawing - one of these days I'll decide that my budget can afford it and I'll go take a class. I tried one out some time back, it was a bit pricey and fucked up my sleep cycles for a week. It also wasn't quite what I wanted (read as he didn't magically make me great in the three hour session) it was drawing still lifes whch while I find overall boring - I found that what he taught me about measuring and lines was excellant. I just want to study sequential art.
I stored away most of my magic books the other week - I still have a couple out in case I get the itch - though one of the things I really liked about doing magic was keeping myself amused at work, now I just drink a lot of coffee - eh, at least I'm not smokng these days...