White Elephant

Thursday, March 31, 2005

comments vs emails

I like comments - I'm going to resolve to leave 2 comments a wee... Wait what was I saying - got distracted can you Imagine?

Aren't deposits supposed to be paid b4 they set you up?

If they Buxom I funds um!

Those are my comments - something coherent someday....

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Awww SHIT!

The monkey's are running the zoo and do to recent events at work I finaly said yes to being the in-charge on my team and half a day later the supervisor is out and I'm running the show- even better I only know half of what I should so I'm taking a holiday at work...
Gotta go - my margarita's coming up!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Oh how the truth hurts!

"A week without posting? Might have to start calling me Phil. I've been working the front desk, so I haven't been in front of a computer all day."

Ouch. So true - but ouch!
So from the news desk i'm talking occasional part time work with a "tour Operator" Da'at orginises "educational tours". The bad side is that in Israel a second job is taxed Stupidly high. (like 40 - 50%)
The solution?
They're going to pay me in vactions - flights, Hotels...
So the plan is a flight to Eilat, stay in a nice Hotel, and swim with the Dolphins

so my friends blog says he's "Calm" and his page has...

You preferred a weapon with 58% power over speed and 52% range over melee.
You use a Shotgun. While not the fastest gun in the west, a shotgun's raw power and ease of use make it an extremely potent weapon. Some shotguns can also be loaded with many different types of ammunition, providing a versatility many guns don't have. Choosing your shots, you fell your opponents immediately and without pause.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 92% on power

You scored higher than 57% on range
Link: The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by inurashii on Ok Cupid

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Where have I been

So last week my work schedule changed to 4 days a week 10 hours a day. What does this mean?
1. 3 Day weekends -- AH YEAH
2. A change of pace -- oh yes
3. I'm working my Dad's old shift -- hmmm...
4. I get a cab ride home, so I walk to work instead of ride.

In other news...
Last Saturday night I "worked" as an auctioneer for a charity art event. I had volunteered from the beginning b/c I thought that it was something I could do to help a worthy cause (battered women). I was offered 5% of the 30% that the organizer was taking, which, after discussion at home, I decided to accept.
50 pieces of art - maybe 200$ as a low average, hmm that'll help the overdraft at the bank.
So it's the night of the auction - I've talked to the organizer 3 times in 2 days - she's overwhelmed. I get on my Tux and take a cab to the auction.

The people seem to be arriving late, or wait maybe they're just not coming...
By the time I've got the third piece up I've come to realize that I'm pitching to the Artist,their friends, family, and a table of rotory club seniors who made their "donation" by paying 195 NIS (45$) and aren't ready to put up the starting $100 bid on any of the art. I ask the "crowd" "now I'm hoping that you all are waiting for a particular piece... If you are waiting for a particular piece let me see you nod your head." crickets chirp and I see two people shaking their heads 'no'. Well I guess I'm not making my cabfare... I did get some really kind words from the artists and organizer including 2 people asking if that was what I did for a living.

Well it looks like work computers are crashing so off I go

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Absolutly must see


Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Is there really anymore to say?
Oh yeah, I'm doing an auction on March 12th - I volenteered to do it for the charity that's raising money for battered women, but it looks they're going to pay me 5%
I'm sick of this place of employment, but then again have I ever had a job for more than a year that I like?